Billions of Bees
Join us on a quest to support billions of bees and other pollinators as we aim to distribute 2500 packets of nectar flower & wildflower seeds this summer!
If you have received a packet of organic nectar mix from us you may be interested to know what's in it....
Alsike Clover, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Medick, Common Vetch, Red Clover, Lucerne, Sweet Clover, Corn Chamomile, Corn Cockle, Corn Marigold, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Common Vetch, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Buttercup Mix, Common Knapweed, Hairy Vetch, Ladys Bedstraw, Lucerne, Oxeye Daisy, Phacelia, Red Campion, Sainfoin, Salad Burnet, Self Heal, White Campion, Wild Carrot, Yarrow & Yellow Rattle.
Thanks to Hurrells Specialist Seeds for this mix!
- Newly updated organic version of AB1, providing the very best nectar plants
- Provides an abundant supply of pollen & nectar-rich flowers between late Spring to Autumn
- Attracts pollinating insects (including bumblebees solitary bees, butterflies, hoverflies etc)
- Mixture contains shorter-lived legumes and longer-lived wildflower species
- 20+ wildflowers within the mixture (scheme requires 6). Including Common Knapweed, Oxeye Daisy, Wild Carrot & Yarrow from the recommend list on AB1
- Suitable for a wide range of soil types
- Establish in blocks or strips between 1 March and 15 September
- Do not graze between 15 March and 31 August
- UK native wildflower seed mix
- Ingredients are specially selected with a large range of wildflowers (grows on most soil types)
- Includes Annuals and Perennials which gives colour in the first year and beyond
- Diverse range of wildflowers with colour
- Environmentally friendly (provides habitats for Bees, Butterflies, other Insects and Birds)
- Sow in Spring or Autumn
- Our mixtures include a large amount of species from the RHS Plants For Pollinators wildflower seed lis
We are honoured to do our part in supporting our precious pollinators! If you'd like to join forces with the Pollen Trike and our mission to feed a billion bees and pollinators, then please get in touch for a chat.
Gathering the Creative Nectar
What is Pollen Tribe?
Pollen Tribe Productions is a ‘not-for-profitʼ community arts centred organisation, based in the South West UK.
We coordinate a variety of event services, from concept, to design, to content management, to the actualisation of a production. Whilst always striving for excellence, we remain true to our grassroots focus of curating heart centred, family friendly spaces; with the intent of fostering connection, community vision, and the nurturing of wellbeing.
We are on a mission to bring inspirational content, nurture wellness, and support causes that relate to the conservation & regeneration of ecology; as well as, quite simply - things that we find fun!
Pollen Tribe gives a platform to grassroots creators that like to collaborate; exploring the connections between nature, art and music.
Working with the philosophy of 'small is beautiful' we also aim to apply sustainable design methodology & permaculture style principles from our core intent, and embrace the concept of acting for the benefit of the future generations.
The art that we create is entwined with a playful spirit, and a deep reverence for the natural world. Our themed content leans towards promoting solutions and nurturing community arts; encouraging nature connection, people empowerment, creative education and positive action.
- Breathe - Connect - Create - Dance - Sing - Play - Nature - Community - Gratitude -

We would would be happy to discuss your individual needs to help tailor and curate a bespoke themed production for your festival, party, wedding, or retreat.